CAPITAL Passages and reMind
ReMind is a full system that connects instructors and students and gives them the freedom to administer and practice educational materials, respectively. Two of the three components we have developed comprise reMind: the instructor website (where instructors can curate and generate educational materials and keep track of students’ progress) and the student mobile application (where students can practice the materials).
In keeping with our goal of improving adult literacy, we have also developed an interface module, CAPITAL Passages, which instructors can access through reMind and use to generate reading comprehension questions from a passage of English text. Passages uses the TEKST algorithm to pull a passage apart into its important information and then recombines that information to generate reading comprehension questions that require knowledge of multiple facts throughout a passage.
Elsbeth Turcan is majoring in Computer Science with a minor in psychology. After graduation, she will attend the University of Columbia to pursue a Ph.D. in computer science. She is originally from Exeter, Pennsylvania, and once placed fifth nationally in the National French Contest! C’est génial, non?
Project Introduction
In order to run the reMind website, you will need to run the server and link to a mysql database. Create a new mysql database called “remind” but do not create any tables, as they are created automatically.
Navigate to the main directory of the website application. You will need to run the server by using the following command “./activator run”. This will automatically compile the code and run the server.
The first time you run the site, navigate to the home page (http://localhost:9000) and click on the “run script” button that appears. This will automatically add the tables to the database.
Once the scripts are run, you need to create an account by clicking on the “Create Account” button on the home page. From there, you are good to use the site!
In order to use the reMind student application, you first need to install Apache Cordova here. Then, navigate to the “workshop” folder and run “cordova emulate android”. This will run the project on an android emulator.
In order to use the application like a student would, you need to first create a student account on the reMind Instructor Website. From there, use the credentials to log into the android application and use the application.
Project documents can be found at the following links: