Mehdi Derdouri


Thought Drop System

The Thought Drop System is a program designed for Java-enabled cell phones that have both GPS and WAP capabilities. It gives users the ability to drop thoughts for people to read using the cell phone’s current GPS location. A sample application of this is someone touring the Mall area in downtown Washington, DC. While standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, a person could drop their thoughts in front of the Memorial, and other visitors could read those thoughts, and leave some of their own. Thoughts are stored in a database and can be read by anyone in range of where the message was dropped, as long as the message is public or if users are in the same group. The program consists of two main elements: A Server which contains a database and a Security Module, and a client (on the cellular phone) which contains a Security Module, a Display Module, an Interaction Module, an Input Module and a GPS Module.