Jennifer Sri


Med-E-Band will be an electronic medical records system that is designed to allow patient data to be with the patient at all times in an iButton. Healthcare workers will be able to access this data at the patient’s bedside at any time with the use of a handheld device.

The software will consist of the terminal’s graphical user interface, the handheld’s user interface, the server’s database, and the iButton’s data module. The iButton is a highly specialized processor that acts as a Java Virtual Machine in a tiny button-shaped case. These iButtons will be placed in a wristband, which would contain information pertinent to each patient in a hospital. Upon visiting a patient, the doctor, nurse, or other healthcare worker will be able to obtain the information in the patient’s iButton, as well as, update the data in the iButton and in the database via his/her handheld device and an iButton receptor. This newly updated information may also be viewed at any terminal’s graphical user interface.

The Med-E-Band working prototype should be presented by April 23, 2000, requiring approximately 35 weeks to complete.