Junjie Wang

Drawing Lessons

My Senior Design project is a tool that helps people learn to draw better. It has a variety of lessons such as drawing straight lines, shading, and tracing. My project is able to track each stroke that the artist makes in a list and is able to score them on multiple aspects, such as curvature. I hope to utilize this project to help aspiring artists to learn a lot of basic skills for drawing.

When I began the year, my Senior Design project was something completely different. Originally, I wanted to incorate my technical track of Graphic Design and 3D Animation into my project to help animators become better. Due to both technical and personal issues, I figured out that my project was not as approachable as I thought it would be, therefore, I changed it into something more reasonable. One of the biggest lessons that I learned about this experience is that if you find a problem too difficult, you should try to reevaluate it in a different light.

I came into the United States at the age of four, with the disability of not having English as my first language. Throughout my educational career, I quickly figured out that the two subjects that I was the most passionate about were Art and Mathematics. When I was applying for college, I wanted to utilize these two skills for Engineering. When I chose Computer Science as my major, I had no idea what coding was. However, thanks to my professors and my friends, I was able to pick up quickly. In the future, I hope to pursue a career in either Computer Science or Graphic Design.

Final Paper