Michael Esposito

Automated Cargo Transport Vehicle

People with disabilities need a device to more easily transport their possessions. The goal of this project is to create an ATV which can independently carry cargo, reducing bodily strain on the user. The ATV will be able to navigate through varied terrain and follow a user using an onboard Intel RealSense 3D camera, capable of providing RGB and depth imagery of the surroundings in front of the vehicle.

I am a Computer Science student focusing on the Cybersecurity track. This is my second year in the CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service program and I hope to continue my education at the graduate level here at GWU. I studied abroad at Korea University during my sophmore year, and enjoyed learning a new culture and a new language that isn’t written into an IDE. This will be my first dip into the field of computer vision and robotics, and while I am sure it will be difficult, it is a challenge I have always wanted to pursue.

Target User Initialization Demo:

Final Presentation Screencast: