Scientific Calculating Machine
The Software will be built in the C programming language, to solve simultaneous Homogeneous Equations with constant coefficients. A general solution to the equation can be obtained for an equation up to the 10th degree and 10th order. A particular solution can be obtained for an equation that is of the 10th order and 3rd degree. The scientific calculating machine will be designed with the objective of minimizing the amount of effort it takes to specify, solve, and visualize the solution of a system of differential equations without sacrificing power and flexibility. This software will be able to solve five simultaneous differential equations at one time. After the differential equations have been solved, their particular functions will be plotted on the screen. This software is designed to work with a user interface.
This project will require 36 weeks to complete and will expend an estimated person-hours of labor at an estimated total labor cost of $ 26,910. The Critical design Review was presented on Oct 20 and the final design should be completed by November 3. A working prototype will be available by April 24,2000. Estimated total cost for the prototype is $97,138. A preliminary Economic Analysis has determined that the Meltzer company will sell approximately 10,000 of these at a cost to the company of $67.31 per software, including indirect, AG costs, and a 20% profit. Estimated retail price for the software is $121.15.